Having toured with various Queen shows in the past, Kev is bringing all his passion, expertise and tone to SQ and has already established himself within the band and with our followers.
Kev’s attention to detail is second-to-none and he goes out of his way to make sure that the iconic Brian May repertoire is note perfect for the Queen fans. In Kev’s words, Queen is his Bible… he’s certainly recreating that iconic Red Special sound chapter and verse! He brings a new level of authenticity and detail to our show – and aside from anything else is a thoroughly nice chap.
Music has influenced me for as long as I can remember. When I was very young, according to my mother, I used to like the Bay City Rollers (who?) but it was one night in the late 80s whilst watching The Tube on Channel 4 that I witnessed an act at the top of their game. Obviously it was Queen and I remember dreaming of maybe one day doing something similar. It was in fact Brian May who caught my attention the most and inspired me to pick up the guitar. Not the hair. Searching through the family record collection and only finding Queen’s Greatest Hits, I acquired the Complete Works boxset and listened to not much else for the next few years!
After my uncle, who plays guitar, successfully struggled to teach me the intro to Crazy Little Thing Called Love, I decided to teach myself. It wasn’t long before I got my first taste of performing in front of a live audience. My first gig was in a school assembly where I played guitar on a couple of numbers. One of these was ‘Hey Jude’ were I was allowed to ‘go mad’ over the na na bit at the end. Definitely ruined that then. I continued ruining things well into my college years where I left a trail of bum notes playing stuff as varied as Stevie Wonder, Steely Dan, Sting and other artists beginning with S.
Over the following 1000+ gigs, or is that years? I have performed with many bands and in many tributes such as, ABBA, Blues Brothers, Celine Dion, George Michael, Muse to alphabetically name a few. Queen was perhaps a logical next step and it was always the gig I wanted. Along the way I have picked up many a tale and had some strange experiences. For example, a soul group performing songs such as Sex Machine, I Feel Good and Keep On Running at a wake. A rock band providing half-time entertainment at a professional rugby match - on the pitch. Pretending to be a Hawaiian guitarist on a radio show. Even performing my attempt at a Christmas number one dressed as Santa Claus. A great song, btw.
Fast forward to today and Supersonic Queen is my current project. As a huge Queen fan, it’s one that I am excited to be a part of. I feel like I’ve come full circle from watching Queen as a youngster to doing something almost nearly kinda similar. Next stop - Wembley…
BMG Red Special RSconversion
Burns Red Special
Yamaha APX-4a
Digitech Brian May
Hubcap John Custom treble booster 'TB Frank'
Boss IR-2, DD-8, PS-5
Shure IEMs
Ernie Ball Super Slinky 9s
British sixpence!!!
Kev is an official “Brian May Guitars Artist” and is featured on the BMG website: Brian May Guitars Artists Gallery